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The Los Angeles Police Department spent more than $40 million in overtime handling protests over the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd as well as dealing with fallout from the coronavirus.

Chief Michel Moore said in a memorandum that despite a multibillion budget, the LAPD is so cash-strapped that any overtime earned from June 7 onward will be paid out in compensation time.

With the entire department of nearly 10,000 officers working every day for a week since the mobilization May 30, the LAPD burned through more than it allotted even for emergencies.

“I recognize that you have worked tirelessly these past couple weeks during the protests and prior to that during the Safer At Home order. Your dedication and commitment have not gone unnoticed. During this extraordinary time, including the full mobilization of our sworn members, the Department has expended more than $40 million dollars in overtime expenses,” Moore wrote Thursday. “This amount far exceeds any budgetary reserve to address unusual occurrences.”

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