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Hundreds of demonstrators were marching through the downtown Los Angeles Wednesday night after a grand jury in Kentucky did not indict any of the three Louisville officers directly in the killing of Breonna Taylor. 

A number of different protests were taking place around downtown Wednesday evening, including a large group peacefully demonstrating outside the Hall of Justice.

“Louisville is hurting right now,” one woman who turned out told KTLA. “Black people are not seen for their humanity.”

People who want to stand “in solidarity with Louisville and the family and friends of Breonna Taylor” encouraged to show up around 7 p.m. at Father Serra Park, located across from Union Station.

At about 8 p.m., the various protest groups merged and began marching through the streets. 

Organizer Bri Riley said the rally was about “disturbing the peace, basically.”

“[We’re] letting them know that we’re here and we have not given up yet,” he said. “We’re still fighting for my community’s rights, my people’s rights.” 

Protester John Conyers III said civil action this year has been successful in changing policy, pointing to an ordinance passed this summer in Louisville banning the use of no-knock warrants like the one officers used to enter Taylor’s home.

“It has changed the law surrounding no-knock warrants so that when innocent people are murdered, the people who executed the no-knock warrant can be charged.” 

Dominque Stockley said she went to the march alone, for more personal reasons. 

“I’m out here because Breonna Taylor is me, and she is so many other people that I know,” she said. “I just felt like she was failed terribly.”

There was a large law enforcement presence surrounding the march Wednesday night, but no reports of officers clashing with protesters.

By mid-afternoon, Los Angeles County sheriff’s vehicles could be seen blocking off multiple roads in downtown L.A. to traffic, including the street in front of the Hall of Justice. 

The local demonstration comes after a grand jury declined to charge two of the three ex-Louisville police officers who fired at Taylor during a drug raid gone wrong, with the Kentucky attorney general saying they were justified in using force to defend themselves.

One officer, Brett Hankison, was indicted on three counts of wanton endangerment for firing into neighboring apartments.

The decision on the charges came six months after Taylor was shot and killed in her home.