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The roller-coaster continues in San Diego County with the latest set of coronavirus numbers showing the region’s closely watched case rate is once again over the state-specified limit that governs the region’s ability to keep restaurants and other organizations open at their present capacities.

According to data available Monday, there were 1,704 confirmed coronavirus cases recorded from Sept. 13 through 19, the period the state will use to calculate the region’s case rate per 100,000 residents in a statewide report published every Tuesday.

The total number of cases recorded in the seven-day window is about 50 over the limit necessary to stay at or under seven cases per 100,000 residents. Anything higher than seven means the region would fall into the more restrictive “purple” tier of the state system — but only if it had that result two weeks in a row. San Diego County would need to have similar results in next week’s report for that to happen.

If that occurs — as it almost did last week — restaurants, churches, gyms and other organizations now allowed to use some of their indoor operating spaces would be mandated to move back outdoors. Whether that would actually happen is anyone’s guess.

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