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Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, whose association with a Holocaust denier and white supremacist generated a new round of controversy on Tuesday, will be the featured speaker at a conference for an offshoot of the California GOP aimed at galvanizing young Republicans.

The California College Republicans, a chartered organization of the California Republican Party, will host Gosar along with other prominent conservatives July 9-11 at their convention in Las Vegas. Among those on the program is state party Chair Jessica Millan Patterson, who will address attendees via prerecorded video.

“Congressman Gosar is a leader of President Trump’s original movement to put Americans and our country first — before other concerns. We fully support President Trump’s America first message,” said Dylan Martin, communications director of the California College Republicans, in an email. “Hosting a sitting Member of Congress is great. Happy that a sitting Member of Congress is willing to speak to our students.”

The Arizona Republican has gained national attention for his ties to extremists and high-profile involvement in the “Stop the Steal” movement, which baselessly alleges that rampant fraud in the 2020 presidential election cost former President Trump the White House.

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