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An Escondido police dog stabbed more than two dozen times after biting a fleeing suspect on the leg is slowly recovering from his injuries — but police officials are unclear whether he’ll ever be able to work again.

Aros, a 7 1/2-year-old Belgian Malinois, underwent treatment for his injuries and is recovering at his handler’s home after the Dec. 9 attack. Police said the dog was stabbed in his head and nose by a landlord accused of attacking a tenant with a baseball bat and stabbing the man in his stomach.

The suspect was spotted inside a two-car garage. He closed the garage door and refused to come out.

Police negotiated with the man for about 20 minutes, but he stopped responding, police Lt. Mark Petersen said. Officers entered the garage and the man continued to resist arrest, so Officer Chad Moore sent Aros after the man, who had begun climbing into the rafters.

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