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Doc Rivers introduced Steve Ballmer by saying, “Today is not even about us. It’s about this other guy, that just happens to have 2 billion in his pocket.”

Ballmer was introduced off stage, walking through the throngs of fans and screaming as loud as he could. It was like a boxer being introduced before a big fight, with Eminem blasting through the speakers. Ballmer gave the players hugs, then stood on stage and yelled into the microphone. It was not speaking. It was yelling.

“I can’t be more honored, excited, or fired up to be here,” he said. “Everything is about looking forward from now on. We made lemonade out of lemons and still won 57 games last year.”

Ballmer said that he got cut from his high school basketball team as a freshman, but that he loves basketball and that he could beat some fans in a free-throw contest. He also made a point to mention that he wouldn’t be moving the team to Seattle, and guaranteed a win against the Thunder, Seattle’s former team, once the season starts.

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