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U.S. employers hired at the strongest pace in nearly three years in November, adding 321,000 jobs, the latest sign the United States is outperforming other major economies by growing steadily and generating consistently healthy job gains.

This file photo shows the unemployment office of the Department of Labor in Atlanta, Georgia. (Credit: CNN)

The Labor Department says the unemployment rate remained at a six-year low of 5.8 percent. And 44,000 more jobs were added in September and October than the government previously estimated. Job gains have averaged 241,000 a month this year, putting 2014 on track to be the strongest year for hiring since 1999.

The large gains come after the economy expanded from April through September at its fastest pace in 11 years. The additional jobs should help boost growth in the coming months.

But the large increases are not yet lifting most Americans’ paychecks.

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