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A new study from the Chamber of Commerce, a website aimed at helping small business owners and entrepreneurs, sheds light on why employees nationwide may not be too keen on commuting to and from the office, especially for those who live in California.

Researchers found that multiple California cities have the costliest commute in the country. San Francisco, for example, had the most expensive commute, with drivers spending $12,650.66 annually, or under $50 a day, to get to and from work.

Fremont, Santa Clarita, Sunnyvale and Huntington Beach all ranked in the top 10.

Los Angeles was placed in the 32nd position, with the annual commute cost costing drivers $6,877.72, or under $30 a day.

Researchers looked at various factors, including the cost of living and the amount of time spent on the road, to represent the areas where drivers lose the most time and money while driving to work.

The high costs of traveling on roads throughout California also come with long commute times.

For example, the study found that the average commute time in Los Angeles is a little under an hour for a round-trip commute.

The complete study can be viewed here.