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A Beverly Grove nursing home must pay a marathon-running woman more than $2.3 million after she was abused and neglected while in the facility’s care, resulting in permanent injuries, the woman’s attorneys said in a press release.

Betsy Jentz, 84, has finished 27 Los Angeles Marathons, most recently in 2019, but when she had hip surgery in 2020, she was admitted to Country Villa Wilshire Healthcare Center for her recovery.

“Instead of receiving the necessary care and support, Betsy experienced a harrowing ordeal, including at least ten falls that led to a fractured and dislocated shoulder and a fractured pelvis, causing her excruciating pain and permanent shoulder damage,” said Lanzone Morgan LLP, the firm representing her in the lawsuit.

Further complicating Jentz’s stay were instances where “Betsy’s call light was out of reach and her phone was unplugged, severely delaying or even preventing timely assistance from staff,” a problem “underscored by … the facility’s understaffing issues,” the attorneys said.

In total, the jury found Jentz’s rights were violated 132 times, resulting in a verdict of more than $2.34 million in medical expenses, pain and suffering, and damages.

“Furthermore, the jury identified Country Villa’s joint ventures with Rockport Administrative Services, LLC, and Boardwalk West Financial Services, LLC, finding Rockport, Boardwalk, and Shlomo Rechnitz as alter-egos of Country Villa, implicating them in the abuse and neglect,” the release said.

Lanzone Morgan praised the jury’s decision as “a testament to our unwavering commitment to fighting for the rights of the elderly.”

“This verdict … sends a clear message that neglect and abuse will not be tolerated and that facilities, as well as their parent corporations, will be held accountable for their actions,” said Elizabeth Kim, an associate at Lanzone Morgan.