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The heartbreaking plight of a puppy found abandoned with his mouth wired shut may have a Hollywood-style happy ending thanks to actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson​, a local rescue announced Wednesday.

The 4-month-old cockapoo was initially found at the North Central Shelter with “a large metal wire wrapped around the bottom portion of his mouth,” according to a post on a GoFundMe page set up for the dog’s medical bills.

The shelter had to use bolt cutters to remove the wire, the post stated.

The dog was eventually rescued by Saving SPOT in West Hollywood, according to owner Lizzie Scherer.

Once he was nursed back to health, Scherer discovered the puppy was facing an even a bigger threat from a potentially deadly heart condition.

“If they don’t have the surgery by six months of age their heart will give out,” Scherer said.

The surgery to correct the problem was estimated to cost over $5,000.

When Johnson heard about the puppy on social media, he offered to help.

“This is rough to read about. poor lil pup abandoned with a wire wrapped around his mouth. ill help. stay strong pup,” Johnson tweeted.

Back in September, Johnson also reached out through social media to warn other pet owners about the dangers of poisonous mushrooms after losing one of his own dogs.

On Wednesday, a $1,500 donation appeared on the GoFundMe page from Johnson.

Combined with other donations, the rescue said it would be able to meet their goal for the cost of the surgery.

Once he recovers, the rescue will start looking for a home for the puppy they now call “Dwayne the Rock.”

“I think he’s going to have a good life now,” Scherer said.