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Pennsylvania State Police in Schuylkill County on Wednesday were searching for the person who killed a dog by burying the pit bull alive in a cage.

Workers at the Ruth Steinert Memorial SPCA described this incident as the worst case of animal cruelty they’ve ever seen. They say when they found the dog’s body near Minersville, there was no doubt it was intentionally left there to die, according to KTLA sister station WNEP in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Ruth Steinert Memorial SPCA workers took photos to show the gruesome discovery that they describe as the worst case of animal cruelty they’ve ever seen: a dog cage buried in the ground, covered with some old pieces of wood.

“I was in shock. I’ve never seen anything like what I seen. It was horrid. Horrid. I don’t even have the words to explain it. Barbaric. Tortured. Horrid,” said animal cruelty officer Bridget Barder.

The SPCA got a call over the weekend that led animal cruelty officers into the woods off Thomaston Road. There they found a pit bull locked in a cage that was partially buried in the ground.

“Whoever did this went to great effort and was sick,” said SPCA manager Lori Sult. “They basically built a torture chamber for this dog.”

SPCA workers estimate the dog had been left there for about two months.

Workers say it appears the dog starved to death.

SPCA manager Lori Sult says that whoever left the dog in the woods could have taken it to either one of the two SPCA facilities in the county.

“If you don’t want to deal with the SPCAs, not that it would be the right thing to do, but if you’re going to dump an animal, just release it,” Sult said.

Now that state police are involved, Sult and the rest of the SPCA community are hoping the person responsible will be brought to justice.

“This dog died a horrible, horrible death. There was just so many other options. The dog did not have to die this way,” Sult said.

The Ruth Steinert Memorial SPCA is offering a reward for information on this case. If you know anything about the dog, you’re asked to contact state police in Frackville.

A GoFundMe account set up to contribute to the reward raised $470. As of Wednesday morning, it was no longer accepting donations.