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Republicans held narrow leads in three Senate races that were still not called early Wednesday, leaving the size of the Republican majority in the chamber uncertain the morning after ballots were cast.

The outcome in those races could boost the Republican advantage in the Senate to as wide as 54-46, giving the party a significantly larger cushion as President Trump attempts to expand his hold on federal courts and beat back the incoming Democratic majority in the House.

Before Tuesday’s balloting, Republicans held a tight 51-49 majority in the Senate, leaving little margin for close votes, especially lifetime appointments of federal judges, which both parties see as a priority issue.

The closest Senate race in raw numbers was in Montana, where votes were still being tallied. With 84% of precincts counted, Matt Rosendale, the Republican state auditor, held a lead of nearly 3,000 votes over the incumbent, Sen. Jon Tester, a Democrat.

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