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Novel coronavirus cases in Los Angeles County topped 2,100 Sunday with another five deaths reported.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health confirmed 332 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total up to 2,136 from 1,804 the day before as the county stepped up its testing for the virus.

At least 37 people have died of the respiratory illness countywide as of Sunday.

While officials provided no details on the five people who recently died, the department said that five deaths reported Saturday had been people over the age of 60, and one person between 50 to 60 years old.

“Two of these individuals, including the person between 50-60 years old, did not have any reported underlying health conditions,” the health department said in a news release.

There have been 676 new cases confirmed in the last 48 hours alone, authorities said.

As of Sunday, 453 coronavirus patients have been hospitalized— that’s 21% of all of the county’s confirmed cases.

So far, the Los Angeles Police Department has reported a total of 24 employees who have contracted the coronavirus and the Los Angeles Fire Department has reported a total of six members who have been diagnosed.

“I ask that everyone please do your part to not infect others or become infected yourself by adhering to the public health directives and practicing social distancing,” the health department’s director Dr. Barbara Ferrer said in a written statement.

Coronavirus cases in California surged to about 6,000 Sunday with at least 130 deaths.

With cases on the rise statewide and the number of people in intensive care units more than doubling Saturday, officials have said the pandemic threatens to strain local hospitals already bracing for a flood of COVID-19 patients.

A U.S. Navy hospital ship, the USNS Mercy, docked in the Port of Los Angeles Friday, bringing with it hundreds of trained staff and 1,000 hospital beds.

The ship, which will be treating people that do not have COVID-19 in order to free up local hospitals, started taking in patients over the weekend, according to U.S. Navy officials.

Health officials urged L.A. County residents to practice social distancing and adhere to stay-at-home orders.

All L.A. County beaches and trails have been closed to curb the spread of the virus, and several law enforcement officials this weekend reported that residents have largely been adhering to the orders.