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Gayle Anderson was live in downtown Los Angeles with a preview of the L.A. Auto Show, which opens to the public Friday, November 22, 2019. Gayle Anderson was live in downtown Los Angeles to continue her preview of the L.A. Auto Show, which opens to the public Friday, November 22, 2019. ( Brian Moody, the Executive Editor of Autotrader, shows Gayle what’s new from Karma Automotive, Nissan, Turo Car Sharing Service, Electra Meccanica Solo, and Volvo Polestar. -0- AUTOTRADER’S 12 BEST ELECTRIC VEHICLES OF 2019. Gayle learned from Brian Moody about the best commuter electric vehicles & motorcycles. AUTOTRADER reports, “Whether a new-car shopper’s motivation for buying an electric vehicle (EV) is environmental, political or financial, choices abound now more than ever before in the marketplace. With more than 50 plug-in hybrid (PHEV) and battery-electric vehicle (BEV) models available today, many new-car shoppers need help navigating the terms to master and information to digest among the choices in this continuously growing vehicle category. With that in mind, the editors at Autotrader recently scored currently available new vehicles that feature a plug, ultimately naming the 12 Best Electric Vehicles for 2019.” For more information, take a look at the complete list of best electric vehicles at: The AUTOTRADER information will come in handy this week when you visit the L.A. AUTO SHOW, opens Friday, November 22nd, 2019 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in downtown Los Angeles. ( One of the world’s largest auto shows with 1,000 vehicles will return over Thanksgiving week, November 22 – December 1, 2019 at the LA Convention Center. The show is the one-stop-shop for comparison shopping cars, trucks, SUVs, electric vehicles & more without any sales pressure. -0- If you have questions, please feel free to call Gayle Anderson at 323-460-5732 or e-mail Gayle at -0-0-0-