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With coronavirus cases surging to unprecedented levels in California, state and local officials are rapidly adding new restrictions in hopes of slowing the infection rate.

The new lockdown measures — which include a limited late-night curfew in California and the shuttering of outdoor dining in Los Angeles County — have been met with some skepticism by a public weary of months of limits on their movements.

How effective, some ask, will California’s new limited overnight stay-at-home order be in curbing the pandemic? The rule bans gatherings among people of different households between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. and prohibits activities outside the home with members of other households, except for essential errands or essential work, in the counties of California in the most restrictive reopening tier.

The order, which went into effect Saturday, requires nonessential businesses to close or otherwise limit operations in the late-night hours. L.A. County on Sunday went a big step further, announcing that, starting late Wednesday night, outdoor restaurant dining will be suspended for at least three weeks.

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