The Golden State offers hundreds of miles of beautiful coastline, majestic mountain ranges and some of the nation’s best weather. However, that was not enough to impress one study, which rated only four California cities among the top 100 places to live in the United States.

After considering the aspects people are most concerned about, like crime rates, quality of education, air quality, and value, a U.S. News and World Report’s study found that Naples, Florida, is the top spot in the U.S. Analysts pointed to the city’s “pristine beaches, sprawling golf courses, and fine dining and shopping.”

Naples replaced Green Bay at the top of the list. The Wisconsin city, frequently at the top of U.S. News rankings, fell to 12th this year.

As for California, the results were not very impressive with San Francisco in Northern California the lone city to crack the top 25, coming in at number 22. San Jose made the top 100 by finishing at number 70.

Just two Southern California cities were listed in the top 100 with San Diego rating the highest at number 46 and Santa Barbara finishing 71st.

“Living in San Diego is not particularly affordable. Home prices are more than double the national median sale price,” the report stated. “San Diegans are willing to pay these elevated prices, though, often referring to the cost-of-living differences as the ‘sunshine tax,’ or the price of enjoying a year-round temperate climate.”

Los Angeles finished a not-so-complimentary 130th on the list. “Notorious traffic jams and hours of delays are the norm for those who drive the many freeways covering Los Angeles,” the report stated. “But all the mileage is not wasted. Those same freeways take residents between coastal beaches, rugged mountains, tree-lined forests and stark deserts, all within an hour of the downtown area.”

Here are the top 10 best places to live in the nation, according to the newest report:

  1. Naples, Florida
  2. Boise, Idaho
  3. Colorado Springs, Colorado
  4. Greenville, South Carolina
  5. Charlotte, North Carolina
  6. Raleigh, North Carolina
  7. Huntsville, Alabama
  8. Virginia Beach, Virginia
  9. Austin, Texas
  10. Boulder, Colorado

The following California cities landed outside the top 100:

  • Visalia #110
  • Bakersfield #121
  • Santa Rosa #127
  • Fresno #131
  • Salinas #133
  • Modesto #139
  • Vallejo #143
  • Stockton #144

You can view the full rankings here.

U.S. News also reviewed cities for their desirability for retirees.