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Nearly every Republican in the California Senate was barred from the state Capitol on Thursday and required to vote remotely after contact tracing showed that a lawmaker who tested positive for COVID-19 had exposed the others.

The state Senate abruptly canceled session on Wednesday after learning that Sen. Brian Jones (R-Santee) tested positive for the virus. Jones is now under quarantine orders along with Republican lawmakers he had personal contact with in recent days.

“Unfortunately, the nature of the gathering that resulted in the exposures was such that virtually every member of the Republican Caucus is now unable to enter the Capitol without violating public health orders,” Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) said in a statement. “I know our Republican colleagues are disappointed not to be on the floor or in their offices today, but I also know they would never knowingly put the health and safety of others at risk.”

Jones was in the Capitol this week before being tested along with several other lawmakers in recent days. Lawmakers of both parties met for a floor session Monday, while Senate Republicans, including Jones, met in person for a caucus meeting Tuesday. Some Republicans also met in person for a private gathering on Monday night.

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