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When the California Interscholastic Federation decided in July to delay the start of the 2020-21 high school sports season until December because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the expectation was that conditions would improve enough to begin games and practices. It’s not happening, and now there’s concern that time could be running out for fall sports athletes.

Girls’ volleyball matches were supposed to begin on Dec. 12. At West Hills Chaminade, athletes still haven’t been cleared to use the gym.

Los Angeles County-based football teams have been engaged in conditioning for weeks, but full practices haven’t started because there has been no youth sports update given by state health officials since Aug. 3, and counties in the “purple” tier, including L.A. County, have severe restrictions. A Dec. 14 official football practice start date is unlikely to happen in the Southern Section or the City Section.

“I’m frustrated at the situation,” Chaminade athletic director Todd Borowski said. “They’re putting the CIF in a corner. There’s going to be a time where we need a decision whether we’re going to play or cancel. It’s a no-win situation. But people need to know what’s going on.”

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