Oakland airport is first in U.S. to offer COVID-19 tests in a vending machine

A vending machine offering COVID-19 tests at Oakland International Airport appears in a photo tweeted by the facility on Jan. 29, 2020. The airport is the first in the nation to offer the tests through a vending machine.

Travelers passing through Oakland International Airport during the pandemic can now pick up a COVID-19 test like they would a bag of chips or a pair of headphones.

For about $150, travelers can buy DIY saliva-sampling tests from vending machine kiosks in each terminal.

“We realized that travelers are going through a tough time right now, especially as we all navigate this COVID pandemic,” said Roberto Bernardo, the Oakland airport’s spokesman. “We wanted to give travelers another option for testing.”

Oakland International is the first in the U.S. to sell COVID-19 tests in vending machines, airport officials said.

Read the full story at LATimes.com.