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Sheriff’s officials in San Bernardino County are warning of dangerous conditions on Mt. Baldy after two hikers were injured in falls and later died.

Search and rescue teams have responded to 14 rescues on the 10,068-foot peak and the surrounding area in the past month, officials said Tuesday.

The missions have been for lost, stranded and/or injured hikers, two of which did not survive after falling and injuring themselves.

British actor Julian Sands is currently missing in the area, authorities confirmed Wednesday.

Earlier this month, a female hiker died after sliding an estimated 500 to 700 feet down Baldy Bowl’s steep, icy hillside Sunday, authorities said.

“Please know the current conditions on Mt Baldy are adverse and extremely dangerous,” officials said in a news release.

Corporal Eric Rose of the search and rescue team said most of the injuries occur when inexperienced hikers going into areas they shouldn’t be going into.

The recent winter storms have brought snow and ice that are not favorable to even the most experienced hikers, officials said, and high winds have turned snow into ice, making hiking extremely difficult.

Additionally, search and rescue efforts are often hampered by poor weather and dangerous avalanche conditions.

The Sheriff’s Department asks anyone who visits the area to adhere to the following safety tips:

  • Heed all posted warning signs
  • Look up weather conditions (both current and forecasted) for the area
  • Make sure you have proper gear and training and are properly prepared for alpine conditions (that includes crampons, ice axes and proper clothing)
  • Hike with a partner
  • Bring a tracking or GPS device
  • Make sure your cellphone has a full charge and bring a charged extra power pack for it
  • Let someone know where you’re going and when, as well as what time you might be back
  • “Most importantly- If you don’t know, please don’t go!”