San Francisco and San Mateo counties stop supplying COVID-19 vaccine to company allegedly giving doses out of turn

Syringes filled with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine are displayed on the opening day of a large-scale vaccination site at a parking structure in Pomona on Feb. 5, 2021. (FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images)

San Francisco and San Mateo counties have stopped supplying coronavirus vaccines to a healthcare provider that allegedly inoculated ineligible people.

On Monday, the San Francisco Department of Public Health directed the provider, One Medical, to return about 1,620 doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

In San Francisco, One Medical was supposed to inoculate healthcare workers as defined in the state vaccination program’s Phase 1A, including in-home caretakers and dentists and doctors not affiliated with a large healthcare provider.

But One Medical provided a report on Feb. 17 showing that it gave “a number of doses” to people whose status as healthcare workers could not be verified, the department said in a statement.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.