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California officials listed education and food workers as among the next recipients of COVID-19 vaccines under guidelines that could be finalized as early as Wednesday.

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday discussed the next phase of vaccinations, which also includes people 75 and older and those who work in child care, emergency services and agriculture.

People 65 and older with underlying conditions or a disability are in the next tier, along with workers in transportation, industrial, residential, commercial and manufacturing sectors, as well as inmates and people experiencing homelessness.

Newsom said once Phase 1b has been finalized, officials will begin discussing Phase 1c.

People under consideration in that phase will include 16- to 64-year-olds with underlying conditions or a disability; workers in water and waste management; and the defense, energy, chemical, communication, technology, financial, government operation and community service sectors.

Phase 1a of vaccinations, currently underway, has focused on health care workers and residents of long-term facilities.