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California State University Northridge has released a map showing the number of coronavirus cases neighborhood-by-neighborhood in Los Angeles County.

The college’s Center for Geospatial Science and Technology made the resource available on Thursday using the latest data from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

Center Director Danielle Bram, who created the map, said the university planned to add information such as factors that may affect the distribution of cases in the county, including population density, income and age.

“In order to perform that type of analysis, the data needed to be converted to a spatial format and made easily accessible,” Bram told KTLA.

In addition to the community map, geography professor Steven Graves and his students also produced a map that tracks the spread of the coronavirus county-by-county across the U.S. That map uses data from Johns Hopkins University.

In a statement released by the university on Thursday, Graves said the school took on the project because the available maps “didn’t really give me a sense of what was happening in my community at the county level.”

Graves hopes that the initiative helps identify where red flags should be raised, as well as places where efforts against the outbreak appear to be working.

However, he warned that the tracking of cases remains a work in progress.

“Everyone is doing the best they can. But once the rate at which people are being tested improves, then we will have a better picture of what is going on,” Graves said. “Right now, our maps are creating a foundation on which we will eventually create a better picture of what is going on in the country, county by county.”