California Will Bring Back Bilingual Education as Prop. 58 Passes

School kids are seen in a classroom in this file photo. (Credit: Thinkstock by Getty Images)

Public schools in California will have more power to develop their own bilingual and multilingual programs after voters on Tuesday approved a measure repealing English-only instruction across the state.

With nearly 21% of 24,849 precincts reporting, Proposition 58 appeared to coast to victory, with 73% support among voters. Twenty-seven percent of voters sought to defeat it.

Proposition 58, the product of 2014 legislation written by Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), overhauls key parts of a 1998 law that requires students to take classes taught only English, unless parents sign a waiver requesting otherwise.

But it preserves a portion of the statute mandating that all students become proficient in English, no matter what program they choose.

Click here to read the full story on LATimes.com. 
