Candidates for Governor Make Last Stops in L.A. County Before Election

Gavin Newsom greets diners at an Inglewood restaurant on June 4, 2018. (Credit: KTLA)

Courting worshipers at Sunday church services, diners at Los Angeles landmarks and bar-hoppers in West Hollywood, the candidates for California governor crisscrossed the state in a last-minute bid to prod supporters to the polls on Tuesday, persuade the undecided — and avoid any unforced errors.

For front-runner Gavin Newsom, who leads in fundraising and the polls, that meant declining to judge Assemblyman Rob Bonta’s annual chili cook-off in Oakland.

“When you’re an elected official, rule No. 1 is never judge a competition, because you are guaranteed to anger people,” he said after addressing a crowd that included union members and their families.

Clambering on top of a fire truck, Newsom warned them of an upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision that stands to weaken the ability of unions to collect fees.

Read the full story on LATimes.com
