Democrat Harley Rouda Will Take on California GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher After Opponent Concedes

Democrat Harley Rouda will challenge GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher in California’s 48th Congressional District in November after his opponent Hans Keirstead conceded the second-place spot in the June 5 primary on June 24, 2018. (Credit: Courtesy of Harley Rouda for Congress)

Democrat Harley Rouda will challenge GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher in California’s 48th Congressional District in November after his opponent Hans Keirstead conceded the second-place spot in the June 5 primary.

Rouda and Keirstead, also a Democrat, had been locked in a nasty battle for the chance to take on 15-term incumbent Rohrabacher. Keirstead maintained a razor-thin lead as the votes were counted in the days after the election. But last week, Rouda, who is a real estate investor, overtook him and at last count was leading by 126 votes.

In a statement, Keirstead, a stem cell researcher, congratulated Rouda and pledged to “work in unison…to make sure Democrats and science prevail in November.”

Democrats consider Rohrabacher’s coastal Orange County seat a key pick-up opportunity in a crucial state as they seek to take back control of the House. He is considered one of the most vulnerable incumbents in the country, having received just 30% of the vote in the primary.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.
