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Uber and Lyft are offering free rides to get voters to the polls on Nov. 6.

Lyft made the announcement in August, saying it’s teaming up with Voto Latino, the National Urban League, the National Federation of the Blind and other nonprofits to provide free services for underserved communities on Election Day.

The ride-sharing company also planned to give away 50 percent off promo codes to those in need through organizations such as, Nonprofit Vote and TurboVote.

“It is estimated that over 15 million people were registered but didn’t vote in 2016 because of transportation issues,” a statement from Lyft said.

Uber recently followed suit by declaring its own partnership with #VoteTogether and Democracy Works to offer rides to the voting booth at no cost on Nov. 6.

Both companies have also started campaigns intended to encourage voter registration.

In the California primary in June, the Los Angeles County Registrar worked with Uber and Lyft to make the apps accessible from its polling place locator.

Voters in the state who wish to participate in the upcoming election also have until Oct. 30 to sign up to vote by mail.