2 O.C. high schools start playing football games, violating state health guidelines

A file photo shows a football on grass. (Getty Images)

Despite CIF and California Department of Public Health guidelines barring high school sports competitions because of the coronavirus pandemic, several football games involving high school teams were played over the weekend in Southern California.

Coaches for Capistrano Valley Christian and Santa Ana Calvary Chapel confirmed to the Orange County Register that their teams played in a game on Saturday using school equipment. Southern Section spokesman Thom Simmons said the section is gathering information about that game and several others.

The Southern Section has taken the stand that the decision to allow athletic teams to resume is an “individual school/district/private school decision” following the guidelines developed by the state and local health authorities.

The CIF has said no games would be played until the governor and state public health guidelines allowed for them, which could lead to sanctions against member schools in violation.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.