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A California man who allegedly smashed a window at the U.S. Capitol as supporters of President Trump stormed the building last week was arrested by FBI agents Wednesday night at his family’s home in Glendora, authorities said.

Hunter A. Ehmke, 20, was part of a crowd that burst through police barricades outside the building on Jan. 6 as a joint session of Congress was certifying the results of the presidential election, according to the U.S. Capitol Police.

An officer in riot gear who was trying to hold back the crowd spotted Ehmke summoning others toward a window of the Capitol and shouted to other officers, “They’re going to break the window,” a Capitol Police investigator wrote in a complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Washington.

An officer hollered, “Get away from the window,” but Ehmke then smashed his fist into it, police alleged. The officer knocked him over with his shield, and Ehmke fell to the ground, which was covered with shards of glass, the complaint says.

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