‘A dark day for our City of Angels’: local leaders sound off on racist remarks in leaked audio

Public officials from across Los Angeles County have released statements denouncing the offensive and racist remarks made during a private meeting held last year between three sitting L.A. City Council members and a local union leader.  

Audio from the meeting was published Sunday in a report by the Los Angeles Times.  

Since the release of the leaked audio, which was surreptitiously recorded by an unknown person, Council President Nury Martinez and Councilman Kevin de León have publicly apologized in statements, though calls for their resignations continue to come from a variety of sources.  

Outgoing Councilman Gil Cedillo, who is also heard on the leaked audio, faces pressure to resign as well. 

In a statement released on Twitter, U.S. Representative and candidate for mayor of Los Angeles Karen Bass said in part: 

“Let me be clear about what was on those tapes: appalling, anti-Black racism…All those in the room must be held accountable, and I’ve spent the day speaking with Black and Latino leader about how to ensure this doesn’t divide our city.”  

Developer and candidate for mayor of L.A. Rick Caruso released a statement that read in part: 

“This entire situation shows that city hall is fundamentally broken and dysfunctional…I denounce everything in these recordings and call on all to be held accountable.”  

L.A. County District Attorney George Gascón released a statement that read: 

“I am saddened & disappointed by the racist comments made in the conversation between various L.A. City Councilmembers. I share the outrage of Councilmember Bonin as well as all members of the African American Community. Anti-Blackness has no place in Los Angeles.”  

Mike Feuer, L.A. City Attorney said in a statement

“I was shocked to read those horrifying comments. There can never be any room for racism, or homophobia, in Los Angeles. We must be better than that.”  

West Hollywood Councilmember John D’Amico tweeted “Of course they should all resign…all of them…before 9AM tomorrow…,” a sentiment echoed by Mayor Lauren Meister.  

LAPD Chief Michel Moore said what he heard “hurts me to my core,” adding that “This is not the Los Angeles that I know…A dark day for our City of Angels.”