Alleged Sexual Misconduct by Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia Found Unsubstantiated, But Behavior ‘Must Be Addressed’

Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens) has been removed from all of her committee posts after facing accusations of sexual harassment, with the investigation into her conduct coming to a close Thursday.

Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, center, speaks during a meeting on climate change in Herbert on Nov. 3, 2017 (Credit: a58.asmdc.org)

A former legislative staffer who accused Garcia of inappropriate sexual advances said Assembly officials have ended the investigation into his complaint without finding any wrongdoing. Garcia could return to work in Sacramento as soon as Monday.

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) issued a strong rebuke of Garcia on Thursday, stripping his fellow Democrat of posts on four committees including the chairmanship of the Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials.

“Despite the decision that the most egregious allegations could not be substantiated, it is clear that Assemblymember Garcia has engaged in a pattern of behavior that must be addressed,” Rendon said in a written statement. The Assembly leader also said Garcia will have to attend sexual harassment and sensitivity training when she returns to work.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.
