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A coalition of bail bond industry groups took a major step Tuesday toward blocking California’s historic overhaul of the bail system, submitting more than enough signatures for a statewide referendum on the law in 2020.

If those signatures are verified by elections officials, the law signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in August would be suspended until the state’s voters have their say — a two-year delay in the effort to eliminate cash bail, longer if voters ultimately overturn the law.

The law would eliminate the payment of money as a condition of release from jail and is expected to decimate a state bail bond industry that includes bounty hunters, surety companies and about 3,200 registered bail agents. Senate Bill 10 was slated to go into effect on Oct. 1 of next year.

“This is a reckless attempt to reform the state’s bail system,” Jeff Clayton, a spokesman for the coalition, said in a statement. “SB 10 is the perfect example of last-minute deal-making by the governor, the Legislature and labor unions absent input from all stakeholders.”

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