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Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus who has been at the forefront of criticizing the state Capitol for rampant sexual harassment, has herself become the subject of allegations of sexual misconduct. The Bell Gardens Democrat said she would “participate fully” in the investigation.

Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, center, speaks during a meeting on climate change in Herbert on Nov. 3, 2017 (Credit:
Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, center, speaks during a meeting on climate change in Herbert on Nov. 3, 2017 (Credit:

Politico reported Thursday that two men said Garcia made improper advances toward them. One, a former legislative staffer, said Garcia groped his back and buttocks and attempted to grab his crotch during a legislative softball game in 2014.

The former staffer, Daniel Fierro, told his former boss, Assemblyman Ian Calderon (D-Montebello) about the incident several weeks ago, his office said. Calderon then reported the incident to the Assembly Rules Committee.

“Every complaint about sexual harassment should be taken seriously and I will participate fully in any investigation that takes place,” Garcia said in a statement. “The details of these claims have never been brought to my attention until today. I can confirm that I did attend the 2014 legislative softball game with a number of members and my staff. I can also say I have zero recollection of engaging in inappropriate behavior and such behavior is inconsistent with my values.”

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