Jacob Wohl, a conservative provocateur who once lobbed bogus claims of sexual assault against special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, appeared in court in Riverside County Wednesday after it was revealed that prosecutors had issued a warrant for his arrest on a felony financial crime, officials said.
Wohl, 21, of Corona, faces one count of violating the California Corporations Code by selling an unregistered security, according to court documents released by the Riverside County district attorney’s office.
A warrant for Wohl’s arrest, first reported by the Daily Beast, was issued Aug. 19. Wohl made a brief court appearance Wednesday and is due back for an arraignment in October, said John Hall, a spokesman for the district attorney’s office.
Wohl was released on his own recognizance and the arrest warrant was quashed, according to his father, David, a Riverside-based attorney who has appeared as a campaign surrogate for President Trump. David Wohl, who is representing his son, said neither he nor Jacob was aware of the allegation before the Daily Beast published its report.
Read the full story on LATimes.com.