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Animal shelters across Southern California are in need of extra fosters ahead of the Fourth of July, a time when pets and strays alike frightened by fireworks flood rescue centers, putting them over capacity.

Because of the massive influx, officials are asking community members to foster a pet for four days surrounding the holiday.

“They do get scared. They run out of their yards,” said Karen Thang, the foster program coordinator. “We’ve even had cases where they jump out their windows, which, unfortunately, a lot of those dogs are ending up at our facilities which are overpacked with animals.”

Thang said when you take in an animal during this busy time of year, you save two lives: that of the furry addition to your home, and the animal who will now have a space at the shelter.

To become a foster, you must fill out an application on the L.A. Animal Services website.

L.A. Animal Services’ facilities are open Tuesday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Shelters are closed on Mondays and will be closed in observance of the Fourth of July. To find the center nearest you, click here or call 888-452-7381.