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Dorian Martinez was sure her son was coming home.

The 17-year-old had been held in a La Verne juvenile camp for three months for a probation violation, the latest in a string of them stemming from a years-old drug possession charge, she said. But with county and state officials trying to lower jail populations to reduce the risk of a coronavirus outbreak, her son seemed like the perfect candidate to be let out early.

Martinez’s son suffers from asthma severe enough to require nebulizer treatments, and his probation officer submitted a petition asking the court to release the teen early, according to Martinez and her son’s attorney. And Martinez had what she thought to be a trump card — a picture of her son posing next to Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey, who presented the boy with an award in 2018 after his quick thinking helped police capture a sexual assault suspect.

But last week, a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge blocked his release. The matter didn’t even see the inside of a courtroom, according to the boy’s attorney, who said the judge denied the petition without argument.

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