Ed Buck Lawyer Says Councilwoman Waging ‘Character Attack’ After OD Death in West Hollywood Apartment

Democratic donor Ed Buck, left, Hernan Molina and West Hollywood Councilman John Duran are seen in West Hollywood in 2010. (Credit: Lawrence K. Ho / Los Angeles Times)

A lawyer for a wealthy Democratic donor who has become the subject of an investigation into a drug death claims that a West Hollywood official has launched a “character attack” on his client and should be investigated for ethics violations.

As Los Angeles County sheriff’s homicide detectives continue to investigate the death of Gemmel Moore — a 26-year-old man who died of a methamphetamine overdose on July 27 — an attorney representing political donor Ed Buck said that West Hollywood City Councilwoman Lindsey Horvath attacked his client for campaigning against her.

Attorney Seymour Amster, who addressed the City Council on Monday night, said a grand jury should investigate Horvath in the wake of statements she made last month.

At an Aug. 21 council meeting, Horvath asked the L.A. County district attorney’s office and the Sheriff’s Department to “take the necessary steps to make it possible for anyone with information pertinent to this case to safely come forward. I want all facts surrounding this case to be known.”

Read the full story on LATimes.com
