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Glendale residents are now required by law to wear protective face coverings whenever leaving home, exceeding Los Angeles County’s mandate, as city officials attempt to rein in rising cases of the novel coronavirus.

The 4-1 vote by Glendale City Council members on Tuesday brought the city in line with Riverside and San Bernardino counties, which already have the requirement in place. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended people cover their faces in public areas where social distancing is hard to maintain.

Last Tuesday, the city ordered those working and shopping in essential businesses, including grocery stores and pharmacies, to cover their nose and mouth with a mask, bandanna or handmade covering. Los Angeles did the same hours earlier. As of Wednesday, that became the requirement for all 88 cities in L.A. County.

A spirited, at times heated, discussion about the public health benefits and enforceability of the Glendale order preceded the vote.

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