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Gavin Newsom won the governorship in part by touting his leadership on gun control as the architect of Proposition 63, a 2016 initiative that put him at loggerheads with the National Rifle Assn.

Now, in his first weeks in office, Newsom has already moved to significantly reduce the number of Californians with firearms.

Gun rights advocates are sounding almost nostalgic for his predecessor, fellow Democrat Jerry Brown, a gun owner who signed several far-reaching gun control measures, including a ban on the sale of long guns to those under age 21, but vetoed others.

“Gavin Newsom has demonstrated he has little to no understanding of firearms and firearms policy,” said Craig J. DeLuz, a spokesman for the Firearms Policy Coalition, which has opposed many gun bills. “For him this is a PR issue, meaning he will probably sign whatever is put in front of him. He wants to run for president.”

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