Gov. Jerry Brown Asks Trump for More Federal Disaster Help After Brutal Winter Storms

Millions of gallons of rushing water continue to pound and erode the massive Lake Oroville Dam spillway on Feb. 10, 2017. (Credit: Brian van der Burg/Los Angeles Times)

Putting the price tag of California’s brutal winter storms at $569 million, Gov. Jerry Brown asked President Trump on Sunday for a fourth federal disaster declaration to help speed up recovery and repairs across the state.

“California has experienced one of the heaviest precipitation years in its recent history, and the impacts of storms that occurred in January and February have been extremely destructive to the state,” Brown wrote in the letter to Trump.

The request for another disaster declaration specifically mentions the serious damage to both the main and emergency spillways at the Oroville Dam, a crisis that forced the evacuation of almost 200,000 nearby residents on Feb. 11.

The estimate of damages, a number calculated jointly by state and federal teams, was accompanied in Brown’s letter by a long list of storm damage that left Californians fleeing flood waters and a number of roadways damaged by slipping hillsides and erosion.

Click here to read the full story on LATimes.com. 
