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For the second year, LAUSD’s Third Street Elementary School in Hancock Park is partnering with Making Caring Common, a program created by Harvard University that aims to foster a positive, caring culture of kindness in schools.

Designed for grades K-12, the program is about changing how children treat each other while also teaching them how to care for one another by engaging the community around them including parents, teachers and students.

This year, 50 volunteers have been visiting classrooms monthly to teach lessons on kindness.

A mission statement on the program’s website reads:

“Our vision is a world in which children learn to care about others and the common good, treat people well day to day, come to understand and seek fairness and justice, and do what is right even at times at a cost to themselves. We believe that young people with these capacities will become community members and citizens who can strengthen our democracy, mend the fractures that divide us, and create a more caring, just world.”

In the years to come, other local schools may be also added to the program.