Injured coyote pup found by hikers in Palm Springs, taken in by local wildlife preserve

Hikers in Palm Springs found an injured coyote pup in early May 2021, and a local wildlife preserve is caring for the orphaned animal, named Twenty Twenty. (Magic Jungle Wildlife Preserve)

Hikers in Palm Springs found an injured coyote pup last week, and a local wildlife preserve is caring for the orphaned animal.

Kele Younger, founder of Magic Jungle Wildlife Preserve, took the pup in and named him Twenty Twenty because she’s hoping his vision will improve.

The coyote was found with severe injuries, including to the abdomen and chest, as well as a fractured sternum and an eye that didn’t develop right, according to Dr. Cliff Jessen of Apple Valley Animal Hospital, who believes the coyote may have been hurt in an attack.

“It looked like a mountain lion attack or possibly a large bobcat,” Younger said. “He’s fortunate. They were probably fighting and he got thrown and was able to get away. … [It’s] very rare for an animal this young to survive without his mother.”

Younger is raising money for the pup’s veterinary care.

Kimberly Cheng reports for the KTLA 5 News at 10 on May 10, 2021.