Joe Biden Visits South L.A., Says Trump’s Attacks on Ilhan Omar and Other Congresswomen Are ‘Despicable’

Former Vice President and Democratic front-runner Joe Biden called President Trump “despicable” Thursday for his racist remarks about four Democratic congresswoman of color.

Joe Biden helps out behind the counter at Dulan’s in South L.A. on July 18, 2019. (Credit: Gary Coronado/Los Angeles Times)

At a breakfast event with more than three dozen black community leaders and restaurant workers at Dulan’s in South Los Angeles, Biden condemned Trump for appearing to bask in his supporters’ “send her back” chants about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) at a North Carolina rally last night. Omar, a refugee from Somalia, is a naturalized U.S. citizen who was elected to Congress last year.

“You can imagine if someone said that when I was speaking, what I would have said: ‘No. Stop,’ ” Biden said of the chant when talking to reporters after the breakfast. “Speak up, man. Not after the fact.”

Biden likened Trump to the former Alabama Gov. George Wallace, the last major presidential candidate known for embracing openly racist rhetoric on the campaign trail. And he called for Trump to “outright condemn” racists. “Let me hear him say ‘I condemn them.’ ”

Read the full story on LATimes.com.
