L.A. County residents under 41 are increasingly catching COVID-19

The surge of the coronavirus in Los Angeles County continues to be fueled by younger people, with the majority of those infected younger than 41.

Officials said Sunday that 53% of the 2,848 new cases reported for the day occurred among that group. Overall, 52% of cases to date in the county have been people under 41.

Statewide, people 18 to 34 years old make up the largest percentage of confirmed coronavirus cases, followed by those 35 to 49, according to The Times’ coronavirus tracker.

The surge in cases began in June as parts of the economy reopened. Officials believe the coronavirus is hitting younger people who got back to summer socializing or resumed work. Those dying from COVID-19 continue to skew much older, with people over 80 being the largest group, followed by those 65 to 79.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.