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As California begins to bend the curve on coronavirus cases, some local governments are contemplating how they might gradually reopen various workplaces next month.

In Los Angeles County, the director of the Department of Public Health, Barbara Ferrer, spoke of certain strategies being in place “as we begin to lift our health officer orders, Safer at Home, later on in the month of May, in most likelihood.”

Ferrer said things will be different as businesses reopen: Social distancing will still be important. Retail stores might open in the near future, “but there will be limits on how many people can be in a store at any given time so that people who are there can maintain a lot of distance between themselves,” Ferrer said at a news conference Wednesday.

Arts, exhibitions and cultural sites will reopen at some point, “but events may be spectator-free,” she said, and the number of people allowed inside might be limited.

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