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Los Angeles city officials confirmed additional cases of COVID-19 within the police and fire departments on Saturday, saying that all those who have tested positive are recovering at home.

So far, the Los Angeles Police Department has reported a total of 24 employees who have contracted the coronavirus. Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Fire Department has reported a total of six members who have been diagnosed.

The city provided no further information on the cases other than all the officials involved are now under self-quarantine.

Earlier this week, LAPD began to deploy officers in 12-hour shifts to increase patrol as the city remains under a safer-at-home order. LAPD Chief Michel Moore has said that department leaders have also been preparing for scenarios in which a substantial number of officers become ill during the outbreak.

As of Saturday, the city of L.A. has reported 839 coronavirus cases. Thirty-two deaths have been confirmed in L.A. County.