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Police are looking for the vandals who targeted the home of a Laguna Beach city official, spreading feces around the property.

The vandalism was reported around 7:30 a.m. at the 3rd Avenue home of Shohreh Dupuis, Laguna Beach’s City Manager.

Officers discovered feces and raw sewage smeared across the house, on planters, stairs, the mailbox, and the general walkway adjacent to the home.

  • Police are investigating after the home of a Laguna Beach city official was vandalized with feces. (City of Laguna Beach)
  • Police are investigating after the home of a Laguna Beach city official was vandalized with feces. (City of Laguna Beach)
  • Police are investigating after the home of a Laguna Beach city official was vandalized with feces. (City of Laguna Beach)

Police believed the attack happened either overnight on Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning.

Officials say the home is partially city property “as the city owns half of the home, with Dupuis owning the other half as stipulated in her employment contract.”

“This is a shocking personal attack on our City Manager at her residence,” said Laguna Beach Mayor Bob Whalen. “It is criminal conduct that will be investigated immediately and thoroughly. I truly hope that we will find the perpetrator or perpetrators of this crime and bring them to justice. As a City, we will not tolerate any acts to intimidate or harm any city employee or appointed or elected official.”

Anyone with information about this case is asked to call Laguna Beach police at 949-497-0701.