Latest oil sheen off O.C. coast came from Oxnard-based company, officials say

Boats survey the waters on Dec. 16 after an earlier oil sheen was spotted off Bolsa Chica State Beach.(Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times)

A California-based oil and gas company has been identified as the source of an oil sheen spotted last week off Bolsa Chica State Beach in Orange County, state officials said.

DCOR, a small company based in Oxnard, was identified as the source, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response tweeted Saturday.

“A responsible party has been identified as DCOR LLC. The sheen was observed in the vicinity of their pipeline, (Pipeline 0919), which runs from Platform Eva,” the department said. All platform and pipeline operations in the vicinity have ceased, and officials are watching for “any indications of additional discharge of oil.”

The size of the sheen has yet to be determined. Divers plan to visit the affected area Tuesday to inspect the pipeline once the weather improves, officials said. Samples were collected Wednesday as part of the investigation.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.