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A lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court Monday by seven former workers at Kim Kardashian’s Hidden Hills home alleges the reality star and beauty mogul violated California labor laws.

Andrew Ramirez; his brother, Christopher Ramirez, and son Andrew Ramirez Jr.; Aron Cabrea; Rene Ernesto Flores; Jesse Fernandez and Robert Araiza, who worked on the property as gardeners and maintenance staff, claim Kardashian withheld taxes from their wages without furnishing those amounts to the government.

They also allege Kardashian did not pay for overtime, did not allow meal and rest breaks and required a 16-year-old on the crew to surpass the 48 weekly working hours allowed for one his age. One plaintiff claims when he raised some of these issues, he was fired.

The 10-point complaint, which The Times reviewed, alleges that “Plaintiffs … were not paid on regular periods, were not given their required meal and rest breaks, were not provided a means to record all their hours, were not paid all their hours, were not reimbursed for employment expenses, were not paid all their overtime wages, and were not paid their wages upon termination of employment.

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