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The Long Beach Police Department is taking action to address crime and enhance public safety in the community amid increasing crime incidents in the downtown area.

On Friday, the organization announced that it launched a plan to “reallocate Police Department resources in order to supplement current proactive and preventive patrol measures in the South Division area.” 

“Reducing crime and enhancing safety throughout our entire city remains a top priority for the Long Beach Police Department.” said Chief of Police Wally Hebeish. “Our police officers and professional staff have worked tirelessly, made numerous scheduling adjustments, and responded to a variety of department needs in order to help keep our community safe.”

LBPD will increase its security presence by deploying additional officers from several different safety units including the Neighborhood Safety Bike Team, Quality of Life Team, Motor officers, as well as Drug Investigations detectives, crime analysts, and a public information officer. In the coming weeks, LBPD will also focus their resources on addressing crimes that may occur downtown including trespassing, illegal drug sales, violent crime, property crime, juvenile loitering, juvenile curfew, and other crimes. 

“This plan to enhance community safety speaks to the commitment of our personnel, and their adaptability to help us meet the current needs of our downtown area,” Hebeish said. “Public safety is not just enforcement – although that’s a critical component. It’s also proactive engagement, shared problem solving, and helping people in need. We remain committed to all of these things.”

The organization says it will keep residents and community members informed about its new safety and crime prevention efforts through social media, Nextdoor, and Neighbors by Ring apps.